Cancer du col de l’utérus: une nouvelle façon de tester​

la presse(Montréal) Une nouvelle façon de dépister le cancer du col de l’utérus se pointe à l’horizon : selon les chercheurs montréalais qui l’ont découverte, elle a même le potentiel de le détecter plus tôt que les autres tests existants.

21 février 2020. STÉPHANIE MARIN

Beyond the Pap Smear​

McGillMcGill researchers identify new markers for early detection of cervical cancer.

While the mortality rate for cervical cancer has declined dramatically since the 1970s, more than 400 Canadian women succumbed to the disease in 2019.

13 FEB 2020. Ashley Rabinovitch

Epigenetics-Decoding life​

The idea that “our genes are our fate” is dead. Exciting new discoveries in the field of epigenetics have proven that our lifestyle and environmental can turn off and on many of the genes that control our health and wellbeing.


Full Frame: Epigenetics with Dr. Moshe Szyf​

Epigenetics is the study of changes to your genes that don’t change the underlying DNA. McGill University professor Dr. Moshe Szyf is a pioneering geneticist in this field. His groundbreaking experiments show that social factors, such as maternal care, do change the offspring’s ability to adapt to stress and handle anxiety.

11 January 2020