Introduction to Flask framework

Get started with Installation
and then get an overview with the Quickstart. There is also a
more detailed Tutorial that shows how to create a small but
complete application with Flask. The rest of the docs describe each
component of Flask in detail, with a full reference in the API
section. You can reference a CSS file with a tag in the header of your HTML page.

  • WSGI is the standard for Python web applications to communicate with web servers.
  • If the main purpose of your Flask project were to just display plain strings, then you’d be done.
  • Philipp is a Berlin-based software engineer with a graphic design background and a passion for full-stack web development.
  • Flask, while not quite matching the sheer speed of FastAPI, still delivers solid performance and can handle most workloads with ease.
  • Flask boasts comprehensive documentation that guides developers through the framework’s functionalities and features.
  • Flask provides configuration and conventions, with sensible defaults, to get started.

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@app.route(‘//delete’, methods=(‘POST’,))

An application factory in Flask is a design pattern that’s highly beneficial for scaling Flask projects. With an application factory, you can create and configure your Flask project flexibly and efficiently, making it easier to develop, test, and maintain as it grows and evolves. After you navigate to the project folder, it’s a good idea to create and activate a virtual environment. That way, you’re installing any project dependencies not system-wide but only in your project’s virtual environment.

Its opinionated approach and adherence to best practices help developers avoid common pitfalls and streamline the development process. From auto-generated interactive documentation to seamless integration with popular tools like OpenAPI and JSON Schema, FastAPI aims to provide a delightful experience for developers. Flask, while not quite matching the sheer speed of FastAPI, still delivers solid performance and can handle most workloads with ease. Whether you are a seasoned developer or a beginner, Python is a versatile and powerful language that can help you create robust web applications.

Replyvyomj • November 23, 2020There’s a slight part that the tutorial didn’t cover.

In this project, you’ll only work with one CSS file named styles.css. But if you decide to expand the project at some point, you can also use this folder to store images or JavaScript files. Templates are HTML files with the capability of rendering dynamic content sent over from your Flask views. For this, Flask uses the popular Jinja template engine, which you already installed as a dependency when you installed Flask. You import the Flask class, giving the application access to the Flask functionality. Next, you connect the URL route “/” to the home() function by decorating it with @app.route(“/”).

Flask Framework for Python Developers Lessons

To indicate that a template is meant to be included, you can prefix its name with an underscore (_). Then, you define two routes, one as the home view and the other as the Flask Framework for Python Developers Lessons about view. You’ll use this name to identify this particular blueprint in your Flask project. You can stop the development server by pressing Ctrl+C in your terminal.

Advantages of Flask:

Flask also supports modular programming, which is where its functionality can be split into several interchangeable modules. Each module acts as an independent building block, which can execute one part of the functionality. Together this means that the whole constituent parts of the structure are flexible, moveable, and testable on their own. Like Django, being able to find your way around easily is key for allowing web developers to concentrate on just coding quickly, without getting bogged down. At its core, the microframework is easy to understand for web developers, not just saving them time and effort but also giving them more control over their code and what is possible.

Flask Framework for Python Developers Lessons

By emphasizing essential elements, Flask cultivates cleaner and more sustainable code practices, ensuring scalability and adaptability over time. At its core, Flask facilitates the creation of web applications through a simple yet robust foundation. It includes a built-in development server, making testing and debugging convenient during the development phase. Flask’s URL routing system maps URLs to specific view functions, promoting a structured and organized codebase. Flask’s simplicity and flexibility make it a great choice for small to medium projects and APIs. Django’s built-in features make it suitable for larger, full-featured web applications.

This Flask Tutorial covers a wide range of topics from basic concepts such as setup and installation to advanced concepts like user authentication, database integration, and deployment. In addition to this, we also provide you with a list of Flask projects, FAQs, and interview questions for your future Interview. Flask is often preferred over Django when developers seek a more lightweight and flexible framework. Flask’s micro framework approach allows developers to build applications from the ground up, adding components as required. This level of customization is ideal for small to medium-sized projects where a lean codebase and minimal overhead are priorities. In contrast, Django provides a comprehensive set of features suitable for larger, complex projects.

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